Motion parameter calculation

Summary of what happened:

Are the motion parameters calculated in reference to the middle/median volume or the first volume?

My understanding is that by default MCFLIRT uses the middle (or median) volume as reference, but when I extract the 6 motion parameters from the ‘counfounds_timeseries.tsv’ file (as described here Using fMRIPrep motion confounds in FEAT's Stats first level) and plot them, it appears that they are calculated from the first volume.



Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):


Screenshots / relevant information:

The motion correction parameters are calculated with respect to the reference images created by fmriprep:

This workflow estimates a reference image for a BOLD series as follows: When T1-saturation effects (“dummy scans” or non-steady state volumes) are detected, they are averaged and used as reference due to their superior tissue contrast. Otherwise, a median of motion corrected subset of volumes is used.

This reference is used for head-motion estimation.