MRIQC Classifier

I have a quick question about the MRIQC classifier function (mriqc_clf). Can I run it from the docker image (poldracklab/mriqc)? The documentation didn’t specify the syntax for running the classifier in docker.


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With a Singularity image, it seems pretty easy. The following has worked for me:

singularity exec mriqc.img mriqc_clf --load-classifier \
    -X /path/to/derivatives/T1w.csv

With Docker, I’ve had success overriding the entry point and using a custom command, like so:

docker run -ti --rm \
  -v /path/to/derivatives:/outputs --entrypoint "/bin/bash" \
  poldracklab/mriqc:0.10.4 \
  -c "mriqc_clf --load-classifier -X /outputs/T1w.csv; cp /usr/local/src/mriqc/mclf_run-* /outputs/"

I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be the recommended approach, but it has worked for me…

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@ChrisGorgolewski @effigies
Any “internal” suggestion or update?
Is there a better way than this?


I believe @oesteban is probably best placed to talk about the MRIQC classifier. I haven’t used it, myself, and don’t know the structure of what you’re expecting to get out of it.

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