Mriqc: error: Querying BIDS dataset at got an empty result

Hi, Dear @oesteban or all,
Here I run the mriqc, as followed, but it got the error :“mriqc: error: Querying BIDS dataset at got an empty result.”
PS E:> docker run -it --rm -v /xiuxian/mriqcprocess/nifti:/data:ro -v /xiuxian/mriqcprocess/derivatives:/out poldracklab/mriqc:latest /data /out participant
usage: mriqc [-h] [–version] [-v]
[–session-id [SESSION_ID [SESSION_ID …]]]
[–run-id [RUN_ID [RUN_ID …]]]
[–task-id [TASK_ID [TASK_ID …]]]
[–nprocs NPROCS] [–omp-nthreads OMP_NTHREADS] [–mem MEMORY_GB]
[–testing] [-f] [–pdb] [-w WORK_DIR] [–verbose-reports]
[–write-graph] [–dry-run] [–profile] [–use-plugin USE_PLUGIN]
[–no-sub] [–email EMAIL] [–webapi-url WEBAPI_URL]
[–webapi-port WEBAPI_PORT] [–upload-strict] [–ants-float]
[–ants-settings ANTS_SETTINGS] [–ica] [–fft-spikes-detector]
[–fd_thres FD_THRES] [–deoblique] [–despike]
[–start-idx START_IDX] [–stop-idx STOP_IDX]
bids_dir output_dir {participant,group} [{participant,group} …]
mriqc: error: Querying BIDS dataset at got an empty result.
Please, check out your currently set filters:

*participant_label: []
*session: None
*run: None
*task: None
*bids_type: None

does anyone know what the problem would be?
I used the totally same file folders to run fmriprep, it works.
Thank you for suggestion

Hi experts,
I also have got the same error using Mriqc: bare-metal installation:
mriqc bids/ MRIQC/ participant
usage: mriqc [-h] [–version] [-v] [–species {human,rat}] [–participant-label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL …]] [–session-id [SESSION_ID …]] [–run-id [RUN_ID …]]
[–task-id [TASK_ID …]] [-m [MODALITIES …]] [–dsname DSNAME] [–bids-database-dir PATH] [–nprocs NPROCS] [–omp-nthreads OMP_NTHREADS] [–mem MEMORY_GB] [–testing] [-f]
[–pdb] [-w WORK_DIR] [–verbose-reports] [–write-graph] [–dry-run] [–resource-monitor] [–use-plugin USE_PLUGIN] [–no-sub] [–email EMAIL] [–webapi-url WEBAPI_URL]
[–webapi-port WEBAPI_PORT] [–upload-strict] [–notrack] [–ants-float] [–ants-settings ANTS_SETTINGS] [–fft-spikes-detector] [–fd_thres FD_THRES] [–deoblique] [–despike]
[–start-idx START_IDX] [–stop-idx STOP_IDX]
bids_dir output_dir {participant,group} [{participant,group} …]
mriqc: error: Querying BIDS dataset at <C:\bids> got an empty result.
Please, check out your currently set filters:

*participant_label: []
*session: None
*run: None
*task: None
*bids_type: None

Can someone help me out with this problem!

Hi @anshuhim20 and welcome to Neurostars!

You should open a new issue under the Software Support category, making sure to fill in all information requested in the prepopulated template.

Of note I would switch to using Docker or Singularity to run MRIQC.
