Can anyone help me understand what “sanitize” means in an error log? My MRIQC error on the HPC in a singularity container for a participant’s functional scan was:
Node: mriqc_wf.funcMRIQC.sanitize
Hi @aklovos and welcome to neurostars!
You can see in the MRIQC code (mriqc/mriqc/workflows/functional/ at a4e4c1ffd4940b9d411123ff7bb6ffe447a4b5b8 · nipreps/mriqc · GitHub) that it calls upon this function in niworkflows
: niworkflows/niworkflows/interfaces/ at 1dc0327aa10f156fde480ec0b23c61a026b8022a · nipreps/niworkflows · GitHub
From the doc string:
Check the correctness of x-form headers (matrix and code) and fixes
problematic combinations of values. Removes any extension form the header
if present.
Many thanks!