Network Neuroscience Satellite 2022: Call for contributions

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite your participation in Network Neuroscience 2022. Submit your talk or poster via EasyChair (link below) by June 23rd 11:59pm AOE.

Network Neuroscience 2022 is a satellite affiliated with the NetSci conference and will be held online July 11th-12th. Themes in the Network Neuroscience remit include, but are not limited to: (i) Interactome networks; (ii) Transcriptional and gene regulation networks; (iii) Structural brain networks (imaging); (iv) Functional brain networks (imaging); (v) Brain networks – theory, modeling and analysis; (vi) Signal processing and information flow; (vii) Circuit dynamics; (viii) Brain-behavior interactions; (ix) Systems neuroscience. All themes apply to any species. Check our website for updates to the schedule.

Network Neuroscience 2022:

Submit via EasyChair: Log in to EasyChair for NN2022

NetSci 2022:

We look forward to seeing you in July!

Network Neuroscience Organizing Committee