Neurosynth Compose in Seoul and new release!

Summer 2024 Updates & OHBM 2024

We’ve been hard at work this year continuing to improve Neurosynth Compose to make it easier and more intuitive to create a neuroimaging meta-analysis in the cloud.

We’re also excited to travel to present our work at OHBM 2024 in Seoul, South Korea!

🌟 What’s New 🌟

Importing from Sleuth files

Many of our users have previously annotated studies and executed meta-analyses using the BrainMap ecosystem. To facilitate interoperability, we’ve made it possible to create a new project in Neurosynth Compose by importing Sleuth files!

To get started, click on the small arrow next to “New Project” and click “Create project from Sleuth file”. To facilitate importing into the NeuroStore database with full meta-data, we ask that you provide a DOI or PubMedID in your Sleuth file meta-data.

Public/Private Datasets

You can now search and browse other user’s meta-analysis Projects in view-only mode. This can help you browse results from meta-analyses from other Neurosynth Compose users, encouraging sharing of meta-analytic efforts!

For your own projects, you can select if you want them to be private, or public (which will allow other users to search and view your results).

11,720 studies added to the NeuroStore database!

We’ve crawled PubMed extensively to ingest 11,720 new neuroimaging studies, bringing the total studies in NeuroStore to 30,329! This means having to manually add and annotate fewer studies, greatly reducing the time required to complete a gold-standard meta-analysis!

✨UX Enhancements ✨

Based on your feedback, we’ve made many fixes and quality of life improvements:

  • New analyses are now added to the bottom of the list instead of the top when editing Studies
  • Fixed a bug where the order of studies changed during extraction
  • Added explicit order to analyses and coordinates within a study
  • Added defaults for meta-analysis page, so if you want to get directly through a meta-analysis, you can without having to make a lot of choices.

🌎 Neurosynth Compose @ OHBM 2024 🌎

We’re excited to be in Seoul, South Korea for the Organization for Human Brain Mapping conference. Our team is presenting four different posters on June 26-26th! If you’ll be there, we’d love to chat with you.

  • “NeuroSynth Compose: A Web-Based Platform for Reproducible Meta-Analyses”. Presenter: James Kent. Poster #2235
  • “Information retrieval using Large Language Models for automated neuroimaging meta-analysis”. Presenter: Alejandro de la Vega. Poster #2251
  • “From PubMed to a DataFrame: An ecosystem for mining the biomedical literature”. Presenter: Kendra Oudyk. Poster # 1861
  • “Review of neuroimaging meta-analyses: Topics, methods, and authors”. Presenter: Kendra Oudyk. Poster #2243

Remember, we want your feedback! Feel free to email us directly, or ask a question here!


The Neurosynth Team 🧠


Continuing the discussion from Neurosynth Compose in Seoul and new release!:

Congratulations! I really like your new version. I was trying to build my first project but kept receiving error messages at the Extraction
step. It does not tell me what’s wrong. Could you please advise how to fix this issue? Thanks!


Thank you for your feedback. Another user reported a similar issue and we have identified the source of the problem.

We are working on delivering a fix soon. Most of the team is traveling from OHBM still but we will respond when the fix is live.

Thank you!

Solution is deployed, could you try again?