New to fMRIprep

Hi @Allen_Roy,

This would mean that you have a subject named sub-1 in your BIDS directory, and want to limit fMRIPrep to 4 CPUs. Just making sure that that is is the case?

--mem in the fMRIPrep command line is defined in megabytes, and I imagine you wanted this to be 6 gigabytes instead of megabytes. So, you can re-add the mem_mb variable similar to what you had before so you have a gigabytes number for the docker memory argument, and a megabytes number for the fmriprep argument.

Again, you should use $wkd for the -w argument instead of $HOME.

This flag is not recommended (see here)

fMRIPrep will make its own subject specific folders in the output directory. By convention, most people will define the output directory as $BIDS/derivatives/, which in your case is $HOME/fmriprepdemo_lang-prod/derivatives/.


Yes, My hardware is limited to those specs. This is the data:

In that case you will have to change your subject variable = "01"