Summary of what happened:
I’m trying to create a CIFTI (dscalar.nii) with left+right vertex cortex and multiple subcortical voxel structures to save processed output from FSL’s probtrackx as CIFTI.
I can successfully create CIFTIs with left+right surfaces and a single voxel structure (e.g. thalamus_left) but when I try to create with many subcortical structures (e.g. thalamus_left, amygdala_left, etc…), it saves but workbench gives errors (copied below) when trying to read.
I’m trying to generate the CIFTI brain model using the .from_mask function, providing the subcortical mask each time.
The error suggests that there is overlap in voxels across the subcortical structures. The subcortical masks (i.e. entries of 1) do not overlap - I’ve checked this by comparing both the coordinates listed by probtrackx and visually.
I’m guessing there is a neater (and correct) way of creating the brain model. Any help would be appreciated.
Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):
import nibabel as nib
from nibabel import cifti2
from import Image
from import cifti2_axes
from import Cifti
# set up cifti brain model axes - seed contains boolean arrays for each hemisphere
bm_l = cifti2_axes.BrainModelAxis.from_mask(seed[0], name=f'CortexLeft')
bm_r = cifti2_axes.BrainModelAxis.from_mask(seed[1], name=f'CortexRight')
bm = bm_l + bm_r
# I know these structures above are not the problem
# loop through subcortical
coords = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(ptx_folder[2], 'coords_for_fdt_matrix2'), dtype='int') # coordinates from probtrackx containing coords for all subcortical voxels
for i,struct in enumerate(np.loadtxt(seed_path[2], dtype="str")):
# load the seed
subimg = nib.load(struct) # this is the subcortical seed mask used in probtrackx
p = subimg.get_fdata().astype(bool)
struct_name ='CIFTI_STRUCTURE_(.*?).nii.gz', struct).group(1)
# get the coords for the current structure and append to the brain model
subcort = cifti2_axes.BrainModelAxis.from_mask(p, name=struct_name, affine=subimg.affine)
if i == 0:
ida = 0
ida = subseed_voxnum_list[i-1] # this is the number of voxels in the mask
subcort.voxel = coords[ida:ida+subseed_voxnum_list[i],:3]
bm += subcort # append the current subcortical structure to the brain model
# save cifti
new_fname = os.path.join(out_folder, f'{prefix}BP.LR.dscalar.nii')
sc = cifti2_axes.ScalarAxis(tracts)
hdr = cifti2.Cifti2Header.from_axes((sc, bm))
img = cifti2.Cifti2Image(BP.T, hdr), new_fname)
nibabel v4.0.2
Python v3.10.8
Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):
wb_command -file-information ~/Downloads/bp_distthr/BP.LR.allsubcort.dscalar.nii
While running:
/Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64/../macosx64_apps/ -file-information BP.LR.allsubcort.dscalar.nii
ERROR: Cifti XML error: volume models may not reuse voxels, either internally or from other structures