I started using nilearn for my MVPA analyzes with the function permutation_test_score.
It was working pretty well when using 2 classes, but now I would like to compute a decoding analysis with 4 classes.
However, my first attempt with the same function gives me only one score (e.g., left STS = 63%). Is it possible to obtain the accuracy score (with this function or another) for each of my classes in a given ROI?
without knowing more about your analysis (classifier, CV, etc.), I would suggest
you have a look at this nilearn example on ROI based decoding. It shows you how to set up a decoding analysis within which the predictive ability of ROI specific voxel patterns wrt specific categories is computed.
Instead of obtaining the chance level from a dummy classifier, you could also use the one computed through permutation_test_score.
In the script (see below), I saw that standardizing is important in the NiftiMasker function. Could you please tell me why? I use beta maps from a GLM based on realigned and unwarped EPI (neither normalization , nor smoothing). Do I have to standardize?
For decoding, standardizing is often very important