Nilearn Dev Days: Science and Software

Dear friends and colleagues,

Nilearn is a Python tool for multivariate statistics on brain images. It has recently gained more statistical models; in particular, with the recent Nistats merge, the next release will also provide tools to build models of task response.

On May 19-22, we are organizing the Nilearn Dev Days: Science and Software, to discuss advanced topics to and shape what’s next.

Our goal is to grow a stronger technical community for statistics on brain images in Python.

You can find the complete schedule here:

We hope to see you online!


Thanks a lot to the 100+ people that participated in the Software Day and the 40 sprinters, felt that we made some big steps forward and improved quite a lot of things in only two days.

While we clean and merge all of that : see you today at the Scientific Day conferences about how using nilearn and other softwares makes great research happen.