Nilearn: searchlight with leave one run out cross-validation

Dear all

I’m trying to run a searchlight analysis using leave-one-run-out (LORO-CV) cross-validation. In nilearn, LORO-CV can be achieved using cv = LeaveOneGroupOut() and then setting the groups parameter (groups=runs).
However, the function:
“searchlight = nilearn.decoding.SearchLight(
radius=10, n_jobs=n_jobs,
verbose=1, cv=cv), y)”
does not allow a groups parameter. How can I implement LORO-CV here ? I did not find any hints in the tutorials…

thanks for help!

Ahoi hoi @Mike_Myers,

I’m not entirely sure where and how you tried to include the groups parameter. However, given the information you included, something like the following should work:

cv = LeaveOneGroupOut()

runs = array_indicating_run_number_of_volumes

searchlight = nilearn.decoding.SearchLight(
radius=10, n_jobs=n_jobs,
verbose=1, cv=cv), labels, groups=runs)

Please note, that the groups parameter should be set during .fit().

HTH, cheers, Peer

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hoihoi :slight_smile: and thanks Peer!