Nilearn's GLM applied to myelin data

Hi there!

I wanted to get some understanding whether the second-level GLM model available in nilearn would be suitable for analysis of a less-known outcome, myelin levels. My idea is to assess the cross-sectional, voxel-wise relationship between a predictor (e.g., age) and myelin levels across participants. Myelin is measured as myelin water fraction, and each voxel contains a value of 0-1 indicating myelin levels. This would be similar to the VBM example shown in the nilearn documentation, but instead of grey matter density, I would have myelin levels as the outcome measure. I just don’t know if there are potential issues with the “validity” of doing such a type of analysis.

Thank you for your help,
Best regards


Hi @Narlon and welcome to neurostars!

I don’t see why this wouldn’t work, as long as the data are normally distributed (no ceiling/floor effects) and you define an analysis mask in white matter.
