I’m trying to download the DICOM subject data directly from (http://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/pro/eNKI_RS_TRT/NKI_Rockland_dicom_dl.html) to perform the BIDS validation tutorial but I get the error “This tool/resource’s administrator will have to grant you permission to view this page”. When I try to request access to the data, however, I’m prompted with the message “You are already a member of this tool/resource development team”, yet I still can’t access the data. Any help regarding this issue would be appreciated.
Hi @tomvanasse
Thank you for your message! To confirm - you are logged in (allowing cookies) when viewing the download screen? I noticed I had to login (on NITRC) and navigate back to the download screen (screenshotted below) before it would allow me to download the DICOMS.
Thank you,
Yes, I’m logged in to nitrc when I try to download.
But when I try to request access (again), I’m told that I already have access.
Hi @tomvanasse
Thank you for your message and information! I apologize for this inconvenience. By chance do you have privacy blocker extensions on your browser? The requesting access message may be because the download page: http://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/pro/eNKI_RS_TRT/NKI_Rockland_dicom_dl.html
may not have the cookies to show that you have access. This can explain why it is asking you to request access again to the resource, but the records on NITRC show that you have access to the resource. Perhaps this can be good case to raise with NITRC as well to let them know.
Thank you,
The issue was resolved by contacting NITRC > Support > Contact Us. I was not added to both 1000 Functional Connectomes projects.
Thanks for your assistance, Franklin.
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Like @tomvanasse, I want to use the data for the purpose of doing the BIDS and fMRIprep tutorials. I logged in on NITRC and asked permission as instructed > 1 week ago, but have not been granted permission yet, so maybe something went wrong?
Any help would be appreciated!
Many thanks,
I emailed moderator@nitrc.org , and they resolved the problem. Their email reply was the following:
“Usually the 1000 Functional Connectomes team adds people to two projects (the second being the one that holds this data). I’ve added you to that – please will you try again?”
Following up on this - on the BIDS starter kit the team put together a nice tutorial for accessing the NKI data from NITRC. This can be used in addition to Tom’s resolution
Thank you,
Thanks a lot Tom, will try!
Dear Franklin, thanks very much!
I followed the tutorial, but did not get a response after sending my access request 10 days ago.
Will try Tom’s solution and get back if that does not help.
Best wishes,