thanks for developing and maintaining heudiconv
Summary of what happened:
I have a dMRI dataset from a collaborator that I would like to convert to BIDS
using heudiconv
. The data contains a single subject with DICOM data corresponding to the following:
- The AP/PA acquisitions dMRI acquisitions.
- The T1w MP-RAGE.
- The AP/PA field maps.
When trying to convert that to BIDS
using heudiconv
, there is a number of warnings: most notably, no SeriesNumber
is detected. I assume the warnings (see below the trace) are making it in such a way that no data gets effectively converted: I only get the following output:
so no subject folder, and no NIfTI file.
However, the DICOM data seems to be correctly detected (e.g. number of files in the series, TR, TE, protocol_name, seriesUID, etc.) according to what I can see in the /{path_to}/Investigators/{investigator_name}/.heudiconv/{sub_id}/info/dicominfo.tsv
Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):
heudiconv -f reproin --bids -o {path_to} --files ./{in_data_path}
Environment (Docker, Singularity, custom installation):
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Python 3.10. Pip installed heudiconv
Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:
No effective output data was generated, so I am not running the BIDS validator.
Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):
INFO: Running heudiconv version 0.13.1 latest 0.13.1
INFO: Analyzing 336 dicoms
INFO: Filtering out 0 dicoms based on their filename
WARNING: Ignoring ./{my_data}/DWI_AP.bval since not quite a "normal" DICOM: 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SeriesNumber'
WARNING: Ignoring ./{my_data}/DWI_AP.bvec since not quite a "normal" DICOM: 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SeriesNumber'
WARNING: Ignoring ./{my_data}/DWI_AP.json since not quite a "normal" DICOM: 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SeriesNumber'
WARNING: Ignoring ./{my_data}/DWI_PA.bval since not quite a "normal" DICOM: 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SeriesNumber'
WARNING: Ignoring ./{my_data}/DWI_PA.bvec since not quite a "normal" DICOM: 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SeriesNumber'
WARNING: Ignoring ./{my_data}/DWI_PA.json since not quite a "normal" DICOM: 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SeriesNumber'
INFO: Generated sequence info for 1 studies with 5 entries total
INFO: Processing sequence infos to deduce study/session
INFO: Study session for StudySessionInfo(locator='Investigators/{investigator_name}', session=None, subject='{sub_id}')
INFO: Need to process 1 study sessions
INFO: PROCESSING STARTS: {'subject': '{sub_id}', 'outdir': '/{path_to}/Investigators/{investigator_name}, 'session': None}
INFO: Processing 5 pre-sorted seqinfo entries
INFO: Processing 5 seqinfo entries
WARNING: Could not determine the series name by looking at protocol_name, series_description fields
WARNING: Could not determine the series name by looking at protocol_name, series_description fields
WARNING: Could not determine the series name by looking at protocol_name, series_description fields
WARNING: Could not determine the series name by looking at protocol_name, series_description fields
WARNING: Could not determine the series name by looking at protocol_name, series_description fields
WARNING: Could not figure out where to stick 5 sequences: ['7-MEMPRAGE_gr2', '34-SpinEchoFieldMap_AP', '35-SpinEchoFieldMap_PA', '37-dMRI_dir99_AP', '40-dMRI_dir99_PA']
INFO: Doing conversion using dcm2niix
INFO: Populating template files under /{sub_id}/Investigators/{investigator_name}
INFO: PROCESSING DONE: {'subject': '{sub_id}', 'outdir': '/{path_to}/Investigators/{investigator_name}', 'session': None}
The Investigators/{investigator_name}
seems to be an artifact as the study_description
at issue contains a string Investigators^{investigator_name}
Screenshots / relevant information:
The Could not figure out where to stick {N} sequences
warning is also mentioned in this PR:
Reproin fix for Philips by cni-md · Pull Request #343 · nipy/heudiconv · GitHub
But there does not seem to prevent success in that case.