SORRY for interrupting you
Please, since you have an idea about my pipeline, could you please see if the output residual (cleaned data) looks correct? Also, the file size is 4GB—is that normal?
Hi @Oumayma, your output has been de-meaned - you may want to use fsl_regfilt instead, as it is essentially a version of fsl_glm which is customised for nuisance regression, and will handle de-/re-meaning for you.
Thank you so much @paulmccarthy
it was solved using fsl_regfilt. However, I encountered the same issue with the Band-Pass Filtering (0.008–0.1 Hz)( TR= 2), output.
This is the command I used:
Hi @Oumayma, yes the -bptf option will cause the data to be de-meaned. You will need to add it back in, e.g. run fslmaths <image> -Tmean mean.nii.gz before-hand, then run fslmaths <image> -bptf 31.25 2.5 -add mean.nii.gz <out>