Open Science Room 2023

Dear all :world_map:,

We are part of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Open Science Special Interest Group (OS-SIG). Every year the OS-SIG hosts the Open Science Room (OSR). The OSR organizes events during the main OHBM meeting with a designated space for attendees to discuss open practices within neuroimaging and science more generally.

All OSR content and networking opportunities will be broadcasted and hosted on platforms that do not require registration fees, with the aim of improving global accessibility. More information about the OSR is available (Redirecting to

This year, we wanted to invite the community to help shape our panel discussions. You can vote on your preferred topic here by 16 April (12pm anywhere) :hourglass_flowing_sand:.

Other 4 panel discussion themes are:

  • Topic 1: Telehealth as a tool for open data research and sharing in neurosciences
  • Topic 2: Evolution of open publishing- to do or not to do
  • Topic 3: Standardization of code (tips)
  • Topic 4: Open Data Governance and Infrastructure – Sharable Resources in Neuroimaging
  • Topic 5: Place for your suggestions!

Open Science SIG