Openneuro import conditions

I tried to download data from openneuro/ds001919, however i am unable to select the desired version for a given subject.(import under conditions)

  • Using openneuro CLI, importing right version works with command “snapshot” but only for the entire directory (not on a subject by subject basis)
  • Using “aws s3 sync”, only the last version is downloadable
  • Using “datalad get”, error output: “Set both AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to use S3”

Could you suggest a solution?

Hi @Paul

Welcome to NeuroStars! Unfortunately, this particular case is not currently well supported. We anticipate having this feature supported in our CLI. Perhaps an approach for getting a specific subject(s) from a previous snapshot is to download the previous snapshot and remove the subjects you may not need.

Thank you,