Hi @adina ,
Thanks a lot!
You understand the setup correctly
The permission denied error seems to be specific to the drop/remove operation, we have not experienced saving problems.
When creating super- and subdatasets, we typically always run git config core.sharedrepository world
, but the team member who created this particular subdataset may have forgotten, I am not sure. Interestingly, when trying to run that command in this particular subdataset now, I unexpectedly get a fatal: not in a git directory
error, contrary to running this in the superdataset. Hence, something may be wrong here, but there is a .git and .datalad dir inside.
The superdataset and its subdataset have also been succesfully pushed to GIN before, but I already removed the gin sibling for this sub-f dataset since I wanted to remove it from the local superdataset.
Here is the output from the first suggestion for drop
u0027997@gbw-s-labgas01:/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel$ datalad -f json_pp drop --reckless availability
“action”: “drop”,
“message”: [
“nothing to drop from %s”,
“path”: “/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel”,
“refds”: “/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel”,
“status”: “notneeded”,
“type”: “directory”
…and here the second one
u0027997@gbw-s-labgas01:/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel$ datalad -l debug drop --reckless availability
[DEBUG ] Command line args 1st pass for DataLad 0.17.9. Parsed: Namespace() Unparsed: [‘drop’, ‘–reckless’, ‘availability’]
[DEBUG ] Building doc for <class ‘datalad.core.local.status.Status’>
[DEBUG ] Building doc for <class ‘datalad.distributed.drop.Drop’>
[DEBUG ] Parsing known args among [’/opt/anaconda3/bin/datalad’, ‘-l’, ‘debug’, ‘drop’, ‘–reckless’, ‘availability’]
[DEBUG ] Determined class of decorated function: <class ‘datalad.distributed.drop.Drop’>
[DEBUG ] Resolved dataset to drop: /data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘config’, ‘-z’, ‘-l’, ‘–show-origin’] (protocol_class=StdOutErrCapture) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] Finished [‘git’, ‘config’, ‘-z’, ‘-l’, ‘–show-origin’] with status 0
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘config’, ‘-z’, ‘-l’, ‘–show-origin’, ‘–file’, ‘/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel/.datalad/config’] (protocol_class=StdOutErrCapture) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] Finished [‘git’, ‘config’, ‘-z’, ‘-l’, ‘–show-origin’, ‘–file’, ‘/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel/.datalad/config’] with status 0
[DEBUG ] Discovered 1 datasets to drop (from)
[DEBUG ] Starting to drop filecontent at Dataset(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] Start dropping for Dataset(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] Determined class of decorated function: <class ‘datalad.core.local.status.Status’>
[DEBUG ] Resolved dataset to report status: /data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel
[DEBUG ] Querying AnnexRepo(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel).diffstatus() for paths: None
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘-c’, ‘diff.ignoreSubmodules=none’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘–quiet’, ‘–verify’, ‘HEAD^{commit}’] (protocol_class=GeneratorStdOutErrCapture) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] AnnexRepo(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel).get_content_info(…)
[DEBUG ] Query repo: [‘ls-files’, ‘–stage’, ‘-z’, ‘–exclude-standard’, ‘-o’, ‘–directory’, ‘–no-empty-directory’]
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘-c’, ‘diff.ignoreSubmodules=none’, ‘ls-files’, ‘–stage’, ‘-z’, ‘–exclude-standard’, ‘-o’, ‘–directory’, ‘–no-empty-directory’] (protocol_class=GeneratorStdOutErrCapture) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] Done query repo: [‘ls-files’, ‘–stage’, ‘-z’, ‘–exclude-standard’, ‘-o’, ‘–directory’, ‘–no-empty-directory’]
[DEBUG ] Done AnnexRepo(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel).get_content_info(…)
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘-c’, ‘diff.ignoreSubmodules=none’, ‘ls-files’, ‘-z’, ‘-m’, ‘-d’] (protocol_class=GeneratorStdOutErrCapture) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] AnnexRepo(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel).get_content_info(…)
[DEBUG ] Query repo: [‘ls-tree’, ‘HEAD’, ‘-z’, ‘-r’, ‘–full-tree’, ‘-l’]
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘-c’, ‘diff.ignoreSubmodules=none’, ‘ls-tree’, ‘HEAD’, ‘-z’, ‘-r’, ‘–full-tree’, ‘-l’] (protocol_class=GeneratorStdOutErrCapture) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] Done query repo: [‘ls-tree’, ‘HEAD’, ‘-z’, ‘-r’, ‘–full-tree’, ‘-l’]
[DEBUG ] Done AnnexRepo(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel).get_content_info(…)
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘annex’, ‘version’, ‘–raw’] (protocol_class=StdOutErrCapture) (cwd=None)
[DEBUG ] Finished [‘git’, ‘annex’, ‘version’, ‘–raw’] with status 0
[DEBUG ] Run [‘git’, ‘-c’, ‘diff.ignoreSubmodules=none’, ‘annex’, ‘drop’, ‘–force’, ‘–json’, ‘–json-error-messages’, ‘-c’, ‘annex.dotfiles=true’, ‘–’, ‘.’] (protocol_class=GeneratorAnnexJsonNoStderrProtocol) (cwd=/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
[DEBUG ] nothing to drop from /data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel [drop(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)]
[DEBUG ] Finished dropping filecontent at Dataset(/data/proj_bitter-reward/firstlevel)
Finally, here is some relevant output from datalad wtf
in the superdataset, lmk if you need more
- branches:
- git-annex@cc502fe
- master@f0a881d
- id: 9a242ace-8b4d-4405-8d8d-0b195590b30c
- metadata: <SENSITIVE, report disabled by configuration>
- path: /data/proj_bitter-reward
- repo: AnnexRepo
- annexremote: 1.5.0
- boto: 2.49.0
- cmd:7z: 16.02
- cmd:annex: 10.20220822-1~ndall+1
- cmd:bundled-git: 2.30.2
- cmd:git: 2.30.2
- cmd:ssh: 8.2p1
- cmd:system-git: 2.39.0
- cmd:system-ssh: 8.2p1
- exifread: 2.3.2
- humanize: 3.11.0
- iso8601: 0.1.16
- keyring: 23.2.1
- keyrings.alt: 4.1.0
- msgpack: 1.0.0
- mutagen: 1.45.1
- platformdirs: 2.4.0
- requests: 2.26.0
Thanks a lot in advance!
Best wishes,