Physiological recording - [_recording-<label>]

Hi there,

I have multiple physiological recordings for a given functional run (one eye tracking, one cardiac/respiratory), which I would like to include in my BIDS dataset. Following the specification, I have tried to use [_recording-<label>], but when I do that, bids-validator throws an error:

	1: [ERR] Files with such naming scheme are not part of BIDS specification. This error is most commonly caused by typos in file names that make them not BIDS compatible. Please consult the specification and make sure your files are named correctly. If this is not a file naming issue (for example when including files not yet covered by the BIDS specification) you should include a ".bidsignore" file in your dataset (see for details). Please note that derived (processed) data should be placed in /derivatives folder and source data (such as DICOMS or behavioural logs in proprietary formats) should be placed in the /sourcedata folder. (code: 1 - NOT_INCLUDED)
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-maxcon_run-05_recording-physio_physio.json
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-maxcon_run-05_recording-physio_physio.tsv.gz
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-01_recording-physio_physio.json
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-01_recording-physio_physio.tsv.gz
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-02_recording-physio_physio.json
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-02_recording-physio_physio.tsv.gz
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-03_recording-physio_physio.json
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-03_recording-physio_physio.tsv.gz
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-04_recording-physio_physio.json
			Evidence: sub-L001_ses-afternoon_task-varcon_run-04_recording-physio_physio.tsv.gz

When the names are just called _physio.tsv.gz and _physio.json, the package passes the test. Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

Sorry this is a bug in the most recent release of the validator, I’ll be trying to publish a fix for this in the next couple of days. Here’s the PR that should fix the issue:

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New version has been published, let me know if you see any issues with the recording entity.

This works now. Thank you!