Pial.surf.gii in an unexpected space


I am attempting to generate surface output from fmriprep using fsLR 32k as the registration target.

I ran this command:
singularity run -B “${myproject}”:"${myproject}" --cleanenv “${myproject}/fmriprep-20.0.0.simg” “${myproject}/PNC_bids_full” “${myproject}/output_fsLR_32k” participant --participant-label “${SUBJECT}” --fs-license-file “${myproject}/license.txt” --use-aroma --use-syn-sdc --cifti-output 91k --medial-surface-nan --output-spaces fsLR:den-32k -w /tmp/ --skip_bids_validation

The bold.dtseries output was indeed in 91k resolution. However, the pial.surf.gii was in 183k resolution. I was wondering if there is anyway to generate this output in fsLR 32k space as well.


Hi. The surfaces provided in the anatomical directory are subject-specific, corresponding to the surfaces in FreeSurfer. If you need the HCP surfaces, see https://github.com/templateflow/tpl-fsLR.

Sure, so we’ll just do the registration ourselves then.