Problems installing FSL

Hi @paulmccarthy , I am currently attempting to install FSL on Ubuntu 22, and I have encountered an issue where the installation process has been stuck at 12% for over two hours, as indicated below. I was wondering if you might have any suggestions or advice for this situation, or should I continue waiting patiently without taking any further action?

How fast is your internet connection? The installation involves downloading around 4GB of data, so if you are using a slow connection it is going to take a long time.

Thanks for the info. Iā€™m not entirely certain about the stability of my network connection. I have to use a proxy due to server firewalls, which gives me an average download speed of about 1MB/s when downloading Miniconda. As for FSL, I havenā€™t been able to gauge the speed since it lacks a progress bar.

Is there an alternative to the standard installation scripts? Like pre-downloading the source code for local compilation. Also, Iā€™m exploring other options, like the impressive fslpy project, though Iā€™m still learning about its capabilities and usage. Iā€™m relatively new to this field and my main goal is to preprocess fMRI data (like motion and slice-timing correction) for analysis. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :pray:

Hi @yuhan_chen,

You can try using one of the Docker containers. E.g.,: Docker

You can try fmriprep for that fMRIPrep: A Robust Preprocessing Pipeline for fMRI Data ā€” fmriprep version documentation (also works off of Docker/Singularity containers). The developers often provide help for that on this website.


Hi @Steven,

Thank you very much for your helpful suggestions! Iā€™ll try using the Docker containers and fMRIPrep right away.

Best regards,

Apple Silicon m3 with MacOS Sonoma 14.3. (Should work with all M1, M2 and M3). Following these steps I could install FSL correctly. All thanks to @aymen_meddebā€™s hint. Hopefully this post can be helpful for others. The problem seems to be due to some incompatibility between Anacondaā€™s mamba package installed by default in base environment and the mamba package specified by FSLā€™s installation. So a regular python installation, rather than Anaconda, should also probably work. But, in case you just want it to work and you are an Anaconda userā€¦

  1. Create an empty python environment (you can specify your own python version or none at all). This is only needed for the installation process. Once FSL is correctly installed you can go back to your regular python envs.
conda create --name fsl_install_env python=3.11
  1. Activate it.
conda activate fsl_install_env
  1. run the installation script. No need to specify flags like --conda etcā€¦ Your actual command might be different, but should be similar to.
  1. When FSL is correctly installed, you can activate your previously active env and delete this one. To properly configure FSL you can open a new terminal and call FSL, as specified in FSLā€™s installation instructions.
fsl &


fsleyes &

should work.

Hope this helps.

Hi Juan,

I get this error as well, even after trying your fix. I have an Intel based Mac, and am currently using miniconda3. Do you have any insight?

Thank you!


I am having a similar issues as the others when trying to download FSL.

Ive tried both mamba and conda, but I get an error message after only a minutes. It also never goes above 0% downloaded.

Iā€™ll included the error message I keep getting.

Hi @Kvandeloo and @Tru_Gamble, can you both please share the installer log file?

Here it is.

It looks like youā€™ve attached the installer script itself, not the log file that is mentioned in the output you pasted earlier.


FYI Iā€™m using a 10-core i9 iMac w/ 128GB RAM, with miniconda3



Hi @Kvandeloo, could you please:

  1. Re-download the script from
  2. Re-run this new version without the --conda option
    and, if it doesnā€™t work, report back what happens (including the log file)?

Ah yeah oops. I am having a different issue now though. It starts installing but is getting stuck at 92%.

Ok I tried to re-install it, but it said the package was already on my deviceā€¦
I think this was the log file you were referring to though.

Hi @paulmccarthy ,

Here is the prompt:

And the log:

Hi @Kvandeloo, could you try running the installer (the new version that you downloaded) with this command:

python --miniconda

Hi @Tru_Gamble, could you re-download the script from, and re-run it with this command (it should report itself as being version 3.8.2):

python --miniconda
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Hey @paulmccarthy, thanks a lot.
This works.

My macbook air OS14-Sonoma was having same problem like @Tru_Gamble had which fsl installation stopping at 92%. I have tried all other above solutions like
1)creating new env(stopped at 92%)
2) --conda(stops before starting fsl installation)
nothing works.

Finally this works.

Thanks so much - this worked!

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