What python software do you recommend for displaying videos in an MRI scanner?
I tried using PsychoPy to display short video clips in an MRI scanner, but the videos were delayed despite the code being set to wait for the scanner’s trigger. What’s even weirder was that the delay was varying across different subjects.
Switching to simpler code, I added a sound at the beginning and end of each video. However, part of the sound plays before the video starts.
Does anyone know what might be causing these issues?
i’m not a PsychoPy expert but I got non-delayed video to play once with a static “preload” period. if you use Builder it’s a drop-in module under the “Custom” components. there’s also a vibrant and responsive discourse forum over on their website.
EDIT: I am not familiar with other stimulus-presentation tools in Python. I do know folks are using FIRMM for film-viewing stimuli at UMinn, but I don’t have any details on that.