Question about the Alleninf toolbox

I have a problem when I use the Alleninf toolbox (
My question is that I found the Alleninf just output the Averaged slope across donors (the last line, see below), how can I get the r/beta value in each donor?

Thanks in advance!

(C:\Users\liufeng\Anaconda2) F:\000\meta_result>alleninf combine_p1.nii COMT
Fetching probe ids for gene COMT
Found 6 probes: CUST_15849_PI416261804, CUST_1020_PI417557136, CUST_1019_PI417557136, A_23_P251680, CUST_15842_PI416261804, CUST_1031_PI417557136
Fetching expression values for probes CUST_15849_PI416261804, CUST_1020_PI417557136, CUST_1019_PI417557136, A_23_P251680, CUST_15842_PI416261804, CUST_1031_PI417557136
Found data from 3702 wells sampled across 6 donors
Combining information from selected probes
Translating locations of the wells to MNI space
Checking values of the provided NIFTI file at well locations
No mask provided - using implicit (not NaN, not zero) mask
C:\Users\liufeng\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\alleninf\ FutureWarning: convert_objects is deprecated. Use the data-type specific converters pd.to_datetime, pd.to_timedelta and pd.to_numeric.
data = data.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
Performing approximate random effect analysis
Averaged slope across donors = 0.199818 (t=2.34575, p=0.0659077)

Currently, this is not possible without modyfing the code. However, this modification should be easy - the relevant lines are here:

BTW alleninf is deprecated in favour of the gene decoding functionality built into (although it also does not show values for each donor).