Question about the space xcp-d output timeseries are in


I hope you are well.

I obtained timeseries data from xcp-d.

screen docker run -ti \
    -v /Users/neurouser1/Documents/ENRICH/xcpd_controls/fmriprepout/:/data \
    -v /Users/neurouser1/Documents/ENRICH/xcpd_controls/xcp_d/:/out \
    -v /Users/neurouser1/Documents/fs_files/:/license \
    -v /Users/neurouser1/Documents/ENRICH/scratch/:/scratch \
    pennlinc/xcp_d:latest \
    /data /out participant \
    --participant_label ENRH01 \
    --mode linc \
    --n-cpus 15 \
    --omp-nthreads 8 \
    --mem-gb 15 \
    --input-type fmriprep \
    --file-format nifti \
    --dummy-scans auto \
    --despike y \
    --nuisance-regressors 36P \
    --smoothing 6 \
    --motion-filter-type lp \
    --band-stop-min 6 \
    --fs-license-file /license/license.txt \
    -w /scratch \

An example of the timeseries output file name is:

I was confused by the MNI152NLin6Asym in the space. Does this mean the timeseries is in the MNI152NLin6Asym space and not in the subject’s T1w space?

If yes, is there a way to get the timeseries from xcp_d into the subject’s T1w native space?

I tried looking for this information in the xcp_d documentation but couldn’t find it.

I migrated from xcpEngine to xcp_d. xcpEngine didn’t have the space in the 1D ts file.

Awaiting your reply.
Thank you

Hi @apoorvakelkar,

That is correct.

XCP_D does not operate on native/T1w-space images, but I suppose you can warp outputs back to native space after the fact.


Thank you for the clarification @Steven