Remodnav: error: argument <PX2DEG>: invalid float value: 'C://Desktop//Fun//sub-01_trial.tsv'

I couldnt add the remodnav tag, sorry

  • Please describe the problem.

    Trying to use the command line call gives the following error:
    remodnav: error: argument PX2DEG: invalid float value: ‘C://Desktop//Fun//sub-01_trial.tsv’

  • What steps will reproduce the problem?

    calling the line:

    remodnav “C://Desktop//Fun//unzipped_eyetracking//sub-01_ses-movie_task-movie_run-1_recording-eyegaze_physio.tsv” \ “C://Desktop//Fun//sub-01_trial.tsv” 0.03299221912188374 1000.0

  • What version of REMoDNaV are you using? On what operating system ?

    1.1.1 Win10

  • Please provide any additional information below.

  • Have you had any luck using REMoDNaV before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil’ positive end note does wonders)

    not yet :confused:


What do the contents of “C://Desktop//Fun//sub-01_trial.tsv” look like? Is it a BIDS valid events file?


The readme says the argument is supposed to be just an output file name, so “C://Desktop//Fun//sub-01_trial.tsv” does not exist.

For some reason it looks like the command is expecting a float value (e.g. either your 0.03299221912188374 or 1000.0 inputs) for the second positional argument, instead of a string.

Could you try deleting the back slash that separates the first two arguments? If you get the same error, try putting one of your float values as the second argument and see if the code proceeds any further.

nope, unfortunately does not solve the issue

Did you try both? What were the error messages, were they the same?

the problem was the double slashes in the path strings… works fine now