The objective is to submit some argument from Python through nipype
to a Matlab script name get_print
. The get_print
has been set to be under Matlab search path
However, Im not sure how to extend the example to received output from Matlab.
The Matlab script is
function opt=get_print(ipt_str)
opt = 1 + 1;
if_possible_return_multiple_output=3 % Suggestion to return multiple output is welcome
I have the impression, the Python script should be something like
def _my_script(self):
"""This is where you implement your script"""
script = """
""" % (, self.output.val)
return script
However, the compiler return an error;
AttributeError: ‘HelloWorld’ object has no attribute ‘output’
May I know how solve this issue?
The complete Python code is
from nipype.interfaces.base import traits
from nipype.interfaces.base import TraitedSpec
from nipype.interfaces.matlab import MatlabCommand, MatlabInputSpec
class HelloWorldInputSpec(MatlabInputSpec):
name = traits.Str(mandatory=True,
desc='Name of person to say hello to')
class HelloWorldOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
matlab_output = traits.Str()
class HelloWorld(MatlabCommand):
input_spec = HelloWorldInputSpec
output_spec = HelloWorldOutputSpec
def _my_script(self): # similar to _bipolar_reference
"""This is where you implement your script"""
script = """
""" % (, self.output.val)
return script
def run(self, **inputs):
# Inject your script
self.inputs.script = self._my_script()
results = super(MatlabCommand, self).run(**inputs)
stdout = results.runtime.stdout
# Attach stdout to outputs to access matlab results
results.outputs.matlab_output = stdout
return results
def _list_outputs(self):
outputs = self._outputs().get()
return outputs
hello = HelloWorld() = 'hello_world'
out =