RSA group analysis

Hi all,

I’d like to perform RSA-Searchlight (representational similarity analysis) on fMRI data of a group of subject, each having their own stimuli-RDM, using Python, currently via rsatoolbox.

I can easily get single-subject searchlight similarity maps. A bit less easily, but I can also calculate (subject-specific) p-value maps based on permutation tests.

Next I want is the group level analysis, which here I would like to ask for help.
Things I can think about:
1- Simply average the similarities
2- Like (1) but after r2z conversion (should be negligible since RSA correlation value are usually small)
3- convert p-value maps to z-maps and run 1smp-ttest

I know it should be obvious but somehow the RSA guides I’ve read concentrate in estimating the single-subject similarities.

Thank you

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Hi Elias,

Have you figured out how to calculate the group-level statistics?
Thank you


Hi Elias and Kun,

I’m interested in figuring out the same thing. Let me know if there’s been any update…


I’m very curious as well. Let me know if you’ve figured it out.