Running fMRIPrep in Neurodesk

Summary of what happened:


Please how can i run fMRIprep with Neurodesk ?
thanks !

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

base) jovyan@neurodesktop-2025-02-04:~/neurodesktop-storage$ cd ~/neurodesktop-storage
PNFA_bids  output
(base) jovyan@neurodesktop-2025-02-04:~/neurodesktop-storage$ fmriprep ~/neurodesktop-storage/PNFA_bids ~/neurodesktop-storage/output participant --participant_label sub-1S0012 --skip_bids_validation
ERROR  : Could not write info to setgroups: Permission denied
ERROR  : Error while waiting event for user namespace mappings: no event received
(base) jovyan@neurodesktop-2025-02-04:~/neurodesktop-storage$ sudo /cvmfs/ ~/neurodesktop-storage/PNFA_bids ~/neurodesktop-storage/output participant --participant_label sub-1S0012 --skip_bids_validation



Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):


Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:


Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):

Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-31qzti_e because the default path (/home/fmriprep/.config/matplotlib) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
You are using fMRIPrep-23.0.0, and a newer version of fMRIPrep is available: 24.1.1.
Please check out our documentation about how and when to upgrade:
usage: fmriprep [-h] [--skip_bids_validation] [--participant-label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]] [-t TASK_ID] [--echo-idx ECHO_IDX] [--bids-filter-file FILE] [--anat-derivatives PATH]
                [--bids-database-dir PATH] [--nprocs NPROCS] [--omp-nthreads OMP_NTHREADS] [--mem MEMORY_MB] [--low-mem] [--use-plugin FILE] [--sloppy] [--anat-only] [--boilerplate-only] [--reports-only]
                [--ignore {fieldmaps,slicetiming,sbref,t2w,flair} [{fieldmaps,slicetiming,sbref,t2w,flair} ...]] [--output-spaces [OUTPUT_SPACES ...]] [--longitudinal] [--bold2t1w-init {register,header}]
                [--bold2t1w-dof {6,9,12}] [--force-bbr] [--force-no-bbr] [--slice-time-ref SLICE_TIME_REF] [--dummy-scans DUMMY_SCANS] [--random-seed _RANDOM_SEED] [--output-layout {bids,legacy}]
                [--me-output-echos] [--medial-surface-nan] [--project-goodvoxels] [--md-only-boilerplate] [--cifti-output [{91k,170k}]] [--use-aroma] [--aroma-melodic-dimensionality AROMA_MELODIC_DIM]
                [--error-on-aroma-warnings] [--return-all-components] [--fd-spike-threshold REGRESSORS_FD_TH] [--dvars-spike-threshold REGRESSORS_DVARS_TH] [--skull-strip-template SKULL_STRIP_TEMPLATE]
                [--skull-strip-fixed-seed] [--skull-strip-t1w {auto,skip,force}] [--fmap-bspline] [--fmap-no-demean] [--use-syn-sdc [{warn,error}]] [--force-syn] [--fs-license-file FILE] [--fs-subjects-dir PATH]
                [--no-submm-recon] [--fs-no-reconall] [--track-carbon] [--country-code COUNTRY_CODE] [--version] [-v] [-w WORK_DIR] [--clean-workdir] [--resource-monitor] [--config-file FILE] [--write-graph]
                [--stop-on-first-crash] [--notrack] [--debug {compcor,fieldmaps,pdb,all} [{compcor,fieldmaps,pdb,all} ...]]
                bids_dir output_dir {participant}
fmriprep: error: Path does not exist: </home/jovyan/neurodesktop-storage/PNFA_bids>.
(base) jovyan@neurodesktop-2025-02-04:~/neurodesktop-storage$ **strong text**

Screenshots / relevant information:

Hi @Oumayma,

In the future please use the Software Support post category / template. You can see I edited your post this time to reflect that.

Did you look at the documentation? Using fmriprep with neurodesk on an HPC | Neurodesk


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Thank you @Steven for ur usual support
SORRY, okay i will follow the template

The issue Iā€™m facing is that when I use Neurodesktop, the terminal opens for less than a second and then gets forcibly closed when I try to follow the steps for running fMRIPrep.