The preprocessed data includes results from running AFQ. Is this equivalent to running the pre-defined AFQ workflow within qsirecon? Or are there differences?
Can we use the already preprocessed data to then run qsirecon on top to get connectivity matrices.
Do you by chance know of an example in the qsirecon docs where we can see how to run just the connectivity matrix quantification on top of already existing AFQ runs, so when they have been done outside of qsirecon? I looked at the documentation, but couldn’t really find anything like that outside of the workflows.
You would need a sufficiently dense whole-brain tractogram to do that, which I do not think you would have from the HBN-POD2 outputs. Thus I recommend running the mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-hsvs workflow in QSIRecon.
I am the one running the analysis, and we needed to use mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-fast as mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-hsvs requires freesurfer files which are not available to us.
Thanks Steven! I am jumping in here just to say that I agree with your take on FS, but unfortunately Annike doesn’t have the time for that. She’s just doing a 4 month MSc project and we were delayed by almost due months due to the university blocking data access. So this is not an analysis for a paper, but a type of analysis for her to play with and learn how to use qsiprep and qsirecon to get familiar with the tools and to do a small scale analysis.
Since I am mostly familiar with structural and fMRI besides PET, I had thought this would be a straightforward small-scale project given that the HBN is distributed and even partially pre-rpocessed. But I am also stumped with the documentation and with actually getting anything to run, which is a bit unusual. But it’s all about learnign new tools.
I don’t think the internet is an issue, since we can get stuff down with wget, but we’ll look at tour fix. Thank you for that pointer!
Sorry I should have been more clear. Sometimes compute nodes lack internet access, while login / head nodes can access it fine. This is common in clusters to protect against several jobs overloading the system bandwith.