Senior Research Scientist position at Penn

Hi All-- we have an open Senior Research Scientist position; see below. Please feel free to email me directly as well.

Many thanks!

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Ted Satterthwaite and the Lifespan Brain Institute are seeking to recruit a Senior Research Scientist to lead the analytic efforts of a multi-institution initiative in developmental data science. This initiative will create a large-scale public resource for developmental human neuroscience. In collaboration with collaborators at Child Mind Institute (Mike Milham) we will aggregate, process, harmonize, and publicly share 10,000 structural and functional images for youth ages 5-22. Using this massive data resource, we will seek to develop normative patterns of brain network development, and identify how abnormal network development is associated with specific patterns of psychopathology. This position will involve working as part of a highly-interdisciplinary research team that includes experts in diverse fields such as network science (Danielle S. Bassett), multivariate pattern analysis (Christos Davatzikos), and imaging statistics (Taki Shinohara). To work effectively in this highly collaborative environment, the applicant must have superior communication, language, and writing skills. The applicant must have completed their Ph.D. in neuroscience, engineering, psychology, or statistics with an established record of high productivity; post-doctoral training is desirable. Expertise in using neuroimaging software (e.g., FSL, ANTs, AFNI), statistical packages (e.g., R), and scripting languages (e.g., nipype, python, bash) are required. Flexible salary is based upon experience.