Siemens Physiolog(.IMA) in BIDS


Can anyone explain how to arrange physio files in BIDS, please? I can get puls.log and Resp.log from .IMA though, I am struggling to get them into tsv.gz. Any suggestion would be much appreciated.


Hi @Pradeepa_Ruwan,

Have you read the relevant part of the BIDS specification? If you are wondering just about how to make a .gz file, you can use gzip.


Also there are a couple of converters for physio data that may help you


Thanks for this info. I tried 2 of them and did not work properly for Siemens.IMA data or .logs. I get this error [File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the ‘DICM’ prefix is missing from the header]. Should IMA be converted to DICM? And I also prefer to do this on Matlab instead of Python if possible. BIDScoin seems a bit inconvenient to install, but I could try it and see if that works for this data.


FSL is a bids coin dependency? That sounds odd. Just to be sure: where did you see this?

That may be worth trying

hum… Not aware of any tools to do that in matlab. Sorry.

Sorry, I was going to say something else, not FSL. My bad. However, I could not find much on how BIDScoin works for physiolog files. Will try to install it and see. Thanks.


Thanks for your help. the tool, physio2tsv in BIDScoin works for Siemens physiologs with IMA extensions.


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