I just noticed that some waveforms provided in clusters.waveforms.npy
are quite noisy though their quality label from clusters.metrics.pqt
is good.
Here is an example in julia if you load session ibl_witten_19/2020-07-23/001:
using NPZ
using Plots
w = npzread("ONE/openalyx.internationalbrainlab.org/wittenlab/Subjects/ibl_witten_19/2020-07-23/001/alf/probe00/pykilosort/clusters.waveforms.npy")
p = plot(w[15,:,1],color=:black)
[plot!(w[15,:,i], legend=false) for i in 2:32]
You get this plot (panel A)
The quality label of this unit is 1. You can find multiple occurrences of these problematic waveforms. This happens to me if I do not manually check my waveforms after spike sorting in Kilosort. I would be happy to hear your take on this.
Another related question regards the 21 sample-blank period. Why is this implemented? Also it appears that some filtering might have been performed on the waveforms. Is this true and what are the filtering parameters (panel B)?
(example wavefrom number 4 (3 in 0-based index) form seesion session ibl_witten_19/2020-07-23/001
One potential issue with filtering, is to affect sharp peak voltage values by artificially boosting them. If one would try to measure the ab ratio (see image form cell explorer, panel C) that could be an issue (quick comparison with our and Steinmetz 2019 dataset, panel D-E).
Any details on this?
Thanks a lot for your time and help.