In brief, fMRIPrep 20.0.1 seems unable to associate fmap with func data during preprocessing.
I preprocessed my fMRI datasets with fMRIPrep. Susceptibility distortion correction for func runs was not done according to the output html file.
Susceptibility distortion correction: None
I am not sure what goes wrong and tried debugging on my own. I did the following checks:
- I have already included “IntendFor” field in
"B0FieldIdentifier": "phasediff_fmap0",
- BIDS format was checked by bids-validator and passed. No error and only a few warning unrelated to current issue.
- fMRIPrep log file also indicated that “IntendedFor” field was not recognized, though fmap files was read and processed.
220216-02:10:22,821 nipype.workflow INFO:
B0 field inhomogeneity map will be estimated with the following 1 estimators: [<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>].
220216-02:10:22,887 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-01_bold.nii.gz.
220216-02:10:22,887 nipype.workflow CRITICAL:
None of the available B0 fieldmaps are associated to </data/rawdata/sub-12lxz/func/sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-01_bold.nii.gz>
220216-02:10:23,631 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.959s.
220216-02:10:23,781 nipype.workflow INFO:
Setting-up fieldmap "phasediff_fmap0" (EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF) with <sub-12lxz_phasediff.nii.gz, sub-12lxz_magnitude1.nii.gz, sub-
220216-02:10:26,203 nipype.workflow INFO:
fMRIPrep workflow graph with 979 nodes built successfully.
File tree
├── anat
│ ├── sub-12lxz_T1w.json
│ └── sub-12lxz_T1w.nii.gz
├── fmap
│ ├── sub-12lxz_magnitude1.json
│ ├── sub-12lxz_magnitude1.nii.gz
│ ├── sub-12lxz_magnitude2.json
│ ├── sub-12lxz_magnitude2.nii.gz
│ ├── sub-12lxz_phasediff.json
│ └── sub-12lxz_phasediff.nii.gz
└── func
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-01_bold.json
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-01_bold.nii.gz
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-02_bold.json
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-02_bold.nii.gz
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-03_bold.json
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-03_bold.nii.gz
├── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-04_bold.json
└── sub-12lxz_task-TEE_run-04_bold.nii.gz