I have noticed an interesting issue with MRIcroGL, with lesion overlap map. I thresholded the map beforehand to keep only voxels lesionned in at least 3 patients. However, when setting the lower bound to 3 in MRIcroGL, this removes all the voxels with this value (minimum is 4, first picture), I had to set the value at 2 to keep these voxels. Interestingly, this issue does not exist with MRIcron (second picture). I have noticed a similar issue with Surfice which I think is from the suit of software. I am not sure if this discrepancy has been discussed before and if it may have been addressed in newer software version.
Sounds like a rounding error where your expect integers but have numbers. Have you tried setting the MRIcroGL “Darkest” to “3.99” instead of “4”?