Tractoflow singularity image error

Dear NeuroStar members,

I’m running tractoflow in Ubuntu 20.04.0 and I’m getting an error
caused by falling to pull singularity image.

Code to run:
nextflow run /home/eduardo/tractoflow-2.1.1/ --root Tractoflow/ --dti_shells “0 1000” --fodf_shells “0 1000” -with-singularity tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img

N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.10.0
Launching /home/eduardo/tractoflow-2.1.1/ [pedantic_volta] - revision: d21c9a89e5
TractoFlow pipeline

Start time: 2021-02-19T16:53:15.244486-02:00

[Git Info]
null - null [null]


[Denoise DWI]
Denoise DWI: true

Run Topup: true

Run Eddy: true
Eddy command: eddy_openmp

[Resample DWI]
Resample DWI: true
Resolution: 1

[DTI shells]
DTI shells: 0 1000

[fODF shells]
fODF shells: 0 1000

[Compute fiber response function (FRF)]
Set FRF: false
FRF value: 15,4,4

[Mean FRF]
Mean FRF: true

[FODF Metrics]
FODF basis: descoteaux07
SH order: 8

[Seeding mask]
WM seeding: true

[PFT tracking]
Algo: prob
Seeding type: npv
Number of seeds: 10
Random seed: 0
Step size: 0.5
Theta: 20
Minimum length: 20
Maximum length: 200
FODF basis: descoteaux07
Compress streamlines: true
Compressing threshold: 0.2

Number of processes per tasks

T1 brain extraction: 4
Denoise DWI: 4
Denoise T1: 4
Eddy: 1
Compute fODF: 4
Registration: 4

Template T1 path

Template T1: /human-data/mni_152_sym_09c/t1

Input: Tractoflow/
[- ] process > README -
[- ] process > Bet_Prelim_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_DWI -
[- ] process > Topup -
[- ] process > Eddy -
[- ] process > Eddy_Topup -
[- ] process > README -
[- ] process > Bet_Prelim_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_DWI -
[- ] process > Topup -
[- ] process > Eddy -
[- ] process > Eddy_Topup -
[- ] process > Extract_B0 -
[- ] process > Bet_DWI -
[- ] process > N4_DWI -
[- ] process > Crop_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_T1 -
[- ] process > N4_T1 -
[- ] process > Resample_T1 -
[- ] process > Bet_T1 -
[- ] process > README -
[- ] process > Bet_Prelim_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_DWI -
[- ] process > Topup -
[- ] process > Eddy -
[- ] process > Eddy_Topup -
[- ] process > Extract_B0 -
[- ] process > Bet_DWI -
[- ] process > N4_DWI -
[- ] process > Crop_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_T1 -
[- ] process > N4_T1 -
[- ] process > Resample_T1 -
[- ] process > Bet_T1 -
[- ] process > Crop_T1 -
[- ] process > Normalize_DWI -
[- ] process > Resample_DWI -
[- ] process > Resample_B0 -
[- ] process > Extract_DTI_Shell -
[- ] process > DTI_Metrics -
[- ] process > Extract_FODF_Shell -
[- ] process > Register_T1 -
[- ] process > Segment_Tissues -
[- ] process > Compute_FRF -
[- ] process > Mean_FRF -
[- ] process > FODF_Metrics -
[- ] process > PFT_Maps -
[- ] process > Seeding_Mask -
[- ] process > Tracking -
Pulling Singularity image docker://tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img [cache /home/eduardo/Area_de_trabalho/Grant_Tractography/work/singularity/tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img.img]
[- ] process > README -
[- ] process > Bet_Prelim_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_DWI -
[- ] process > Topup -
[- ] process > Eddy -
[- ] process > Eddy_Topup -
[- ] process > Extract_B0 -
[- ] process > Bet_DWI -
[- ] process > N4_DWI -
[- ] process > Crop_DWI -
[- ] process > Denoise_T1 -
[- ] process > N4_T1 -
[- ] process > Resample_T1 -
[- ] process > Bet_T1 -
[- ] process > Crop_T1 -
[- ] process > Normalize_DWI -
[- ] process > Resample_DWI -
[- ] process > Resample_B0 -
[- ] process > Extract_DTI_Shell -
[- ] process > DTI_Metrics -
[- ] process > Extract_FODF_Shell -
[- ] process > Register_T1 -
[- ] process > Segment_Tissues -
[- ] process > Compute_FRF -
[- ] process > Mean_FRF -
[- ] process > FODF_Metrics -
[- ] process > PFT_Maps -
[- ] process > Seeding_Mask -
[- ] process > Tracking -
Pulling Singularity image docker://tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img [cache /home/eduardo/Area_de_trabalho/Grant_Tractography/work/singularity/tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img.img]
WARN: Singularity cache directory has not been defined – Remote image will be stored in the path: /home/eduardo/Area_de_trabalho/Grant_Tractography/work/singularity – Use env variable NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to specify a different location
Error executing process > ‘Bet_Prelim_DWI (S1)’

Caused by:
Failed to pull singularity image
command: singularity pull --name tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img.img.pulling.1613760797920 docker://tractoflow_2.1.1_650f776_2020-07-15.img > /dev/null
status : 1
WARNING: pull for Docker Hub is not guaranteed to produce the
WARNING: same image on repeated pull. Use Singularity Registry
WARNING: (shub://) to pull exactly equivalent images.
ERROR UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required
ERROR Check existence, naming, and permissions
ERROR: pulling container failed!

Please, I would appreciate if anybody could help me with this issue.

Hi @dubergonzoni,

Sorry for the late reply. Just found out about the new nextflow features.
It’s now able to pull singularity directly from the command line. We are currently playing with these new features and provide soon a new documentation. In the meantime, you can just use this command line to get the singularity: wget

Then you’ll be able to run tractoflow using the downloaded singularity. Put the path to the singularity.

Have a good day

PS: If it fixes your issue please tag your thread as solved/responded. Thank you