Summary of what happened:
Hi, I recently updated fmriprep to the latest version (23.2.0) - and I noticed that the transformation from T1w to scanner_mode has been dropped from the output. Specifically, in the previous version that I was using (23.0.0), in the output directory //func/ there was the transformation matrix __task-rest_from-T1w_to-scanner_mode-image_xfm.txt which is no longer in my output from v23.2.0.
I have run into a couple of issues with this:
- I was using these transformations to transform anatomical masks to BOLD space (rather than transform every volume into anat space).
- Additionally, I believe it might have led to this error message I received from post-fmri processing with xcp_d on the output from fmriprep (v23.2.0):
'FileNotFoundError: No anat_to_native_xfm file found for derivatives/fmriprep/<sub>/<ses>/func/<sub>_<ses>_task-rest_space-MNI152NLin6Asym_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz'
Is there a reason why these transformation matrices were dropped from fmriprep output?
Is there a better way that I should be performing transformations with the frmiprep output?
Thanks for your help!
Command used:
singularity run --cleanenv -H /home/nathanc /home/nathanc/simgs/fmriprep-23.2.0.simg \
/home/nathanc/<project>/BIDS/mbme/spinecho/ /home/nathanc/<project>/BIDS_DERIVS/fmriprep/mbme/spinecho/ \
-w /home/nathanc/<project>/work/mbme/spinecho/ participant --participant-label 004 \
--me-output-echos -vv --fs-license-file /home/nathanc/<project>/fs_dir/license.txt \
--output-spaces MNI152NLin2009cAsym --nthreads 12 --skull-strip-t1w skip
**NOTE** the command was exactly the same for both fmriprep versions, just with a different .simg
23.2.0 (vs 23.0.0)