Unable to build from singularity img file


Seek help with installing tractoflow.

I need to use TractoFlow for tractography for surgical planning.

Please find the installation error log below.

(base) amitjc@AMiT:~/singularity/singularity$ singularity build singularity_tractoflow_2.0.0_8b39aee_2019-04-26.img singularity_tractoflow.def
FATAL: Unable to build from singularity_tractoflow.def: unable to open file singularity_tractoflow.def: open singularity_tractoflow.def: no such file or directory

Please Advice.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Hi @amitjc

Did you clone the singularity-tractoflow repository? To do so:

to get the most recent version:

git clone https://github.com/scilus/singularity-tractoflow.git.

Else, if you prefer the stable 2.0.0 release, you can download it at https://github.com/scilus/singularity-tractoflow/archive/2.0.0.zip

Then, unzip it and retry building with your command, once you are directly in the directory.

Thank you @jchoude hat resolved the image build issue.

Now theres issue with running tractoflow. PFA the log below and advice.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,

(base) amitjc@AMiT:~$ nextflow -c singularity.conf run tractoflow/main.nf --root input_folder --dti_shells “DTI_SHELLS” --fodf_shells “FODF_SHELLS” -with-singularity singularity_name.img -resume
N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.01.0
Launching tractoflow/main.nf [prickly_kowalevski] - revision: d62996eeb1
Unable to parse config file: ‘/home/amitjc/singularity.conf’

Compile failed for sources FixedSetSources[name=’/groovy/script/Script1531D538B66C9CC3257BEE3E735B81E3/_nf_config_429b4520’]. Cause: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
/groovy/script/Script1531D538B66C9CC3257BEE3E735B81E3/_nf_config_429b4520: 1: expecting anything but ‘’\n’’; got it anyway @ line 1, column 91.

1 error
(base) amitjc@AMiT:~$


how did you get main.nf? Did you clone the repository, or did you download the archive?

You can see https://tractoflow-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/install.html

for more details.

From the error message, it seems that the nextflow.config file, which should be beside main.nf, was not found.

Hope that helps


The two files - nextflow.config & main.nf are in the same folder.

Please advice further.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

I see now that the singularity.conf file that you give to the -c argument is not the default one. The error then probably means that you tried to change some configuration values using this file. However, it seems that there is a syntax error in your modified config file.

Did you need to change some values? If so, please try to check the syntax to make sure it is valid.

I also get a similar error but I did not touch or modify the singularity.conf file.

Unable to parse config file: ‘/opt/software/singularity-3.8/etc/singularity/singularity.conf’

Compile failed for sources FixedSetSources[name=’/groovy/script/ScriptD402A77663F187E15C167DC2F578EC9D/_nf_config_a89e1424’]. Cause: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
/groovy/script/ScriptD402A77663F187E15C167DC2F578EC9D/_nf_config_a89e1424: 1: Unexpected input: ‘#’ @ line 1, column 1.

1 error

Hi @Elise_B,

Can you tell us what is your command line ?
It would be a good start to know what you’re trying to run.

You can also try with the singularity here if it’s not already the case.


yes that’s the version I’m using,

nextflow -c /opt/software/singularity-3.8/etc/singularity/singularity.conf run tractoflow/main.nf --bids data/ --dti_shells “0 1000” --fodf_shells “0 1000” -with-singularity /home/eliseb/scratch/tractoflow_2.2.1_b9a527_2021-04-13.img -resume

The error:
ERROR nextflow.cli.Launcher - Unable to parse config file: ‘/opt/software/singularity-3.8/etc/singularity/singularity.conf’

Compile failed for sources FixedSetSources[name=’/groovy/script/ScriptD402A77663F187E15C167DC2F578EC9D/_nf_config_a89e1424’]. Cause: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:

/groovy/script/ScriptD402A77663F187E15C167DC2F578EC9D/_nf_config_a89e1424: 1: expecting ‘!’, found ’ ’ @ line 1, column 2.



1 error

ch.grengine.except.CompileException: Compile failed for sources FixedSetSources[name=’/groovy/script/ScriptD402A77663F187E15C167DC2F578EC9D/_nf_config_a89e1424’]. Cause: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:

/groovy/script/ScriptD402A77663F187E15C167DC2F578EC9D/_nf_config_a89e1424: 1: expecting ‘!’, found ’ ’ @ line 1, column 2.



1 error

Ok please remove the config file and the -c and use the singularity I just sent you.

Thank you

Ok I removed the -c option, it seems to be running. à suivre

Hi, so it worked without the -c option, put when I try to open the output trk file (sub-015_pft_tracking_prob_wm_seed_0.trk in PFT_Tracking folder) with trackvis it says cannot open file.

Hi !

You should give it a try with MI-Brain.
If it still does not work please attach the nextflow log and a link to the trk file.

Thank you

ah yes, it works with MI-Brain, but I need Trackvis to replicate previous analyses


I would need the file to check.

Thank you


I was able to open the file you sent me using Trackvis.
I used Trackvis Version 0.6.1 (Build 2017.01.20).

Maybe it’s a memory issue but anyway the trk file is fine.

Have a good day