Unable to fetch template from TemplateFlow

Am I doing something wrong when I download the .nii.gz from tensorflow? I get "broken symbolic link"s and can’t use gunzip on them. I’m not super familiar with Git and can’t find an easy solution through Googling.

Can you post templateflow’s client version and the exact python script you are attempting?

edit: I was trying to download through github… I downloaded from your website and it appears like everything downloaded okay.

Hmmm… When I try to use gunzip, I get an “unexpected end of file” error

edit: The file is 0 bytes… Not sure what’s happening. I downloaded the .tar.gz from “https://pypi.org/project/templateflow/#files”… used tar xvzf, found the “templateflow-skel.zip” folder, unzip it, and get a bunch of .nii.gz files containing 0 bytes

If I understand correctly, you are trying to directly download from a template’s github repository?

That won’t work because those github repositories are just the interface to git-annex. The recommended ways to pull templates down are:

  1. Using the python client (i.e., pip install templateflow first)
  2. Using datalad (you’ll need to install datalad and git-annex somehow).

I would recommend 1).

I was never able to figure this out… I installed with PIP and it still installs to a folder (inside my python library folder) called tempflowskel.zip… Upon unzipping, all the atlases are still .nii files with 0 bytes

Hi @JUSTIN_SMITH, this might be a better explanation - https://github.com/templateflow/tpl-MNI152NLin2009cAsym/issues/6