Using a RPE fieldmap image from a Philips scanner: specifying directions

Got it!! It seems like I’m particularly looking for the neighboring DWI correlation (want it to be high), maximum relative translation (want it to be low), and number of outlier slices (want it to be low). Thank you for pointing me to this paper!

This isn’t necessarily always true. In fact, the Syn paper ( found that the the fieldmapless method could work as well or as better as fmaps that were not acquired optimally (e.g., motion). I think synb0 will work better than the Syn method, when it is finished being integrated into qsiprep.

That being said, I thought the real fmap looked the best, but I haven’t done any overlays with T1 images as you and your postdoc might have.


Super helpful, thank you!

Thank you all so so so unbelievably much @Steven @mattcieslak @jsein !!! I really appreciate your insight & speedy replies!!!