Using AFNI to preprocess dog fMRI image

I’m using wsl Ubuntu 18.04 in Windows, then I will try to update the AFNI and see the difference.

I just found an oversight. I didn’t check the email before and didn’t see the template you sent me. I used the v2 template in Cortical Atlas of the Canine Brain ( I will use the template you sent me later to have a try.

OK, yes, I specifically used that fixed version of the Johnson and Barry template you have linked to, which I had sent. This is part of a larger project some colleagues and I are working. Basically, we find that some header information and especially coordinates can have a big impact on results—we are try to fix these in many public datasets.

It wouldn’t surprise me that if you use the non-fixed canine template, things might look odd. It would be better to use the appropriate template than to do the resampling (and the former would be a more stable/longterm solution across datasets, too).

Thanks for providing the beagle template, I will take a look, and possibly add it to our list to look at and potentially adjust header info for.
