Vol2subfield query when extracting stats from DTI images

Summary of what happened:

Hi everyone,

We are having problems with using vol2subfield when attempting to extract hippocampal subfield info from DTI images (we would like to extract MD and FA statistics).

Our T1 images have been co-registered to their matching DTI images in SPM prior to being run through the recon-all pipeline output files - this looks good.

We have run segmentHA_T1.sh and the results look good.

We created a register.lta between the DTI image and the orig.mgz:

bbregister --s sub1/ --mov DTI.nii --reg register.lta --t2

The bbregister register.lta output looks good when checked with tkregister.

We then run vol2subfield as recommended:

vol2subfield --i DTI.nii --reg register.lta --sf sub1/mri/lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1-T2.v22.FS60.mgz --o dti.rh.FS60.mgz --stats stats.dat --avgwf avgwf.dat --avgwfvol avgwfvol.mgz

When we look at the output image overlayed on the DTI.nii/orig.mgz, it looks like everything has been shifted down (on the output image - dti.rh.FS60.mgz) and it doesn’t line up with the anatomy (e.g. subfields are overlayed over the ventricles). However, when we overlay the hippocampal subfield segmentation on our original DTI image, this still looks fine.

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

vol2subfield --i DTI.nii --reg register.lta --sf sub1/mri/lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1-T2.v22.FS60.mgz --o dti.rh.FS60.mgz --stats stats.dat --avgwf avgwf.dat --avgwfvol avgwfvol.mgz


Freesurfer 7.3.2

Environment (Docker, Singularity, custom installation):

Running on freesurfer-linux-centos8_x86_64-7.3.2-20220804-6354275 using NoMachine

Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:


Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):

No errors.

Screenshots / relevant information:

We can provide images of the various scans/registrations on request

Would anyone know, if the stats files produced by vol2subfield related to the vol2subfield output image (and therefore look like they’re sampling the wrong area)? And if so, could you help us figure out where we’re going wrong, please?

Thank you!

I’m unfamiliar with Freesurfer, but if you’re just trying to get ROI diffusion values you could use TBSS: tutorialBIDs/TBSS at master · NeuroscienceScripts/tutorialBIDs · GitHub
