I get the following error: bash: run_first_all: command not found
The other commands did work and if I look at my directory with ls -a I get the following output:
. … data .datalad derivatives .git .gitattributes .gitmodules
Thanks. I feel a bit stupid, but if I run that command I get the following output/error:
jovyan@44373dc96dd5:~/week9_analysis$ datalad containers-run -n fsl --explicit --input data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz --output derivatives/first/sub-01/ run_first_all -i data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz -o derivatives/first/sub-01/none -m none -s L_Hipp,R_Hipp
[INFO ] Making sure inputs are available (this may take some time)
[INFO ] == Command start (output follows) ===== Error: cannot find image data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz
[INFO ] == Command exit (modification check follows) =====
[INFO ] The command had a non-zero exit code. If this is expected, you can save the changes with ‘datalad save -d . -r -F .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG’
CommandError: ‘singularity exec --cleanenv .datalad/environments/fsl/image run_first_all -i data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz -o derivatives/first/sub-01/none -m none -s L_Hipp,R_Hipp’ failed with exitcode 1 under /home/jovyan/week9_analysis
Should I expect the non-zero exit code and save the changes with ‘datalad save -d . -r -F .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG’ or is there another problem that I missed?
From the ‘note’ part in the question -
’ If this is the case, you may need to unlock data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz via (datalad unlock data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz). and add --explicit to the datalad command.’
You may need to run datalad unlock data/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz before the ‘fast’ and ‘none’ commands to solve this issue.