I want to create this visualization of my saliency map, what tool should i use ??
You have several options available, including Nilearn (Making a surface plot of a 3D statistical map - Nilearn), ciftitools in R (GitHub - mandymejia/ciftiTools: ciftiTools R package). You can also check out this to generate example code (https://sidchop.shinyapps.io/braincode/). There may also be non-coding based options such as FreeView and Connectome Workbench to look at surface maps.
And just to add to @Steven 's list of useful tools, there is also SUMA for Surface Mapping and visualization, in AFNI, with some tutorial videos here and here.
The easiest is to use BrainNet viewer (NITRC: BrainNet Viewer: Tool/Resource Info), needs MATLAB 2018
I would suggest Surfice - it is a native application that is available for MacOS, Linux and Windows but includes Python scripting for automation. It includes a lot of specialized shaders for different views, while most tools rely on the fixed function pipeline. Try out the Advanced/Scripting/Templates menu to choose included scripts to see some of its capabilities.