Where is the 40 week template?

I’ve download the four datasets from the torrents. I have the fMRI EPIs that have been warped to a template, but I can’t find the template itself. Am I missing it? Or is it available somewhere else?

Relatedly, is there a recommended best path for mapping adult MNI space into this template space? Maybe just normalisation of the template images?
Best Rhodri

Hi Rhodri

The dHCP volumetric template can be downloaded here:

The 40wk template is defined as the “standard” template space.

We don’t have a specific recommendation for how best to register to the MNI. I believe one of my colleagues may have registered the dHCP template via a child atlas to the MNI. I can’t recall the exact details right now, but I will look into and get back to you.

Cheers, Sean

Thank you very much Sean!
Best Rhodri

Dear Sean,

I came across this post and wanted to ask whether there is newer information in this direction? I would like to perform transformation between the 40week template and adult MNI space.

Best wishes,


Hi Juan

I provide transforms from the dHCP atlas (original and extended) to MNI (6th gen and 2009) here:

Cheers, Sean

I hadn’t seen the extended atlas, thank you very much!

Hi Sean, thank you very much for providing these transformations! It’s just that it seems I don’t have permission to access to the download link. Is it possible to get access to the data elsewhere? Appreciate it a lot!