Where to find whole pulvinar masks

I’m looking for existing pulvinar masks in MNI space for ROI analysis in our fMRI research.

Could anyone share a link to where I can find such a mask?

Thank you in advance!

Hi @Olivia,

Have you reached to the authors who made this pulvinar segmentation? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811909011136?casa_token=Vhg6qIY8kUsAAAAA:9tfftysVa6c4IxmgG5uHeyR7IuoGbFBBACAHuKvyIABXneWtYsRdiqZNO0fib2E4AAKeRQ-cUjc (Krauth et al., 2010)

The atlas will be available for academic research purposes in electronic form upon request.


Hi @Steven,
Thank you!
A colleague told me she hadn’t received a response after writing to them, so I’m looking to see if there are any pulvinar masks available online, which might be quicker.

I found an atlas that provides pulvinar subregions ( Barron, D. S., Eickhoff, S. B., Clos, M., and Fox, P. T. (2015). Human pulvinar functional organization and connectivity. Hum. Brain Mapp.), but upon assembling these subregions, I realized it doesn’t form the entire pulvinar due to significant gaps and holes in between.

Hi @Olivia,

Darn that’s a shame, it frustrates me when one makes a resource and does not provide a good way to access it. Sorry you have to experience that too. I suppose you could try messaging them too, hopefully added pressure will spur them to make it more available somewhere (e.g., in a github repo).

It looks like that paper uses the same Krauth et al atlas, so maybe if you reach out to those authors they can share how they were able to get access to it (or share it themselves).


Hi @Steven,
Thank you very much!
I will try that.