While processing HCP s1200 data using the XCP-D tool, an issue related to the input data format has arisen

Error message displayed as shown in Fig left .

The format of the input data directory is as shown in Fig right.

Despite the presence of the “T1w” folder in the directory, an error is still being reported.

XCP-D version latest

Hi, is your dataset into BIDS format? I think XCP_D is expected BIDS formatted datasets.

Also you should have you preprocessed data with the same naming convention as FMRIPREP outputs. I quote the sentence below from the XCP_D documentation:

XCP-D picks up right where fMRIprep ends, directly consuming the outputs of fMRIPrep.

Could you perhaps share you dataset tree? (The one which is in /wd/dset_bids/derivatives/hcp/sub-100307). Thanks!

When the –input-type hcp flag is added to the command, isn’t it specifically designed to handle HCP datasets?I suppose that way there is no need to convert the data format to BIDS , right?

oh, I didn’t know about that option! Well I don’t know then what kind of formatting is expected from the HCP data when you use this flag. I hope you can get help from other users/developpers of XCP_D.

Hi @Donggua, we will need more info to help, mainly knowing your full command you used to run XCP_D.

Thank you very much for responding to my questions.

docker run --rm -v F:/temp:/wd -v E:/HCP_Resting_State_fMRI1_Preprocessed_test:/data -v F:/hcpout:/out -v D:/fantest/:/freesurfer_license pennlinc/xcp_d:latest /data /out participant -w /wd --input_type hcp -p 36P --despike --lower-bpf 0.01 --upper-bpf 0.1 --smoothing 6 --cifti

Thank you, can you show us the contents of the MNINonLinear folder?

Fig2 show the contents of the **MNINonLinear** folder

Are you on a Windows machine? If so, the way you put in paths (that is, with / separating the folders) might not be correct. I do not have much experience with Windows but I think using Cygwin or WSL will allow you to use syntax closer to what other users use.

Yes, I am using a Windows system, but I have installed the Docker version of XCP-D. And the command line uses “/” as the path separator, which is correct.
Moreover, I am using Docker commands, and the syntax and specifications are the same. docker run --rm -v F:/temp:/wd -v E:/HCP_Resting_State_fMRI1_Preprocessed_test:/data -v F:/hcpout:/out -v D:/fantest/:/freesurfer_license pennlinc/xcp_d:latest /data /out participant -w /wd --input_type hcp -p 36P --despike --lower-bpf 0.01 --upper-bpf 0.1 --smoothing 6 --cifti
I haven’t been able to identify where the issue lies either.