Would it be possible to know about graduate funding options for international students?

Dear INCF community,

I hope you are well and staying safe. I am Yeselth, I was an interactive student at Neuromatch Academy last year and I am a second-year Ph.D. student in Integrative Biology with research focus in Neuroscience in the US. I am also an international student from Venezuela.

My funding situation is uncertain at the moment and I am exploring my options. I re-visited this page and noticed that there are several open-ended questions with good replies and support from the community, which encouraged me to make this post. I understand my post can be out of the blue, but I am kindly communicating this to ask for advice and guidance for funding opportunities in my field of study. Your suggestions are welcome.

Best Regards,
Yeselth Angarita Peña

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This is something that I’ve discussed with a couple of colleagues. We thought of creating a website/platform where folks could announce and see funding opportunities. If there’s interest and folks are willing to contribute, I’d be happy to work on developing such a website.

(I’m sorry I don’t have a good answer for you)

Dear Steven, thank you replying to my post. I have a follow-up question. When you mean “All,” do you mean that is availble everywhere in the world?

Yes, although this might be specific to my school.