XCP-D arlas .nii images are not opening in any of nii-data viewer (e.g., mrview, FSLeyes)


I am trying to open the XCP-D atlases (.nii images) in various NIfTI image viewers like FSLeyes or mrview, but they fail to load, showing errors: unknown format for image “fsleye” and error opening image “fsleye”.
My goal is to visualize a vector array (e.g., connectivity degree) corresponding to each ROI for a specific task by creating a .nii file that aligns with the atlas for display in a glass brain view. Could you please advise on where I can obtain the correct .nii format atlas data, or suggest how I might convert the existing atlas to a proper .nii format for visualization?

These are the artlas I am trying to open that I download from https://github.com/PennLINC/AtlasPack:

Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Kind Regards

Hi @RaySneha,

Did you use datalad to datalad get those files? You need to do that to pull them from the cloud.


Dear Steven,

Thank you so much for your replay.
Forst, I have tried directly downloading from the github. Then aftyer your suggestion, I donload by deletaedf (below comand). But still the artlas .nii files are not opening. It show same issues.

comand used to download the atlas is: datalad clone GitHub - PennLINC/AtlasPack: Combined cortical/subcortical atlases for xcp-d and qsiprep

Did you run datalad get on those files? What are the file sizes of the niftis?

Its in 128 / 132 bytes. Ok let me try with datalad get