Summary of what happened:
The censoring results indicated that not enough volumes survived. However, upon examining the TSV file, I found there were enough volumes according to the criteria I set. I uploaded the fd from the tsv file.
confounds: …func/sub-LM035_ses-T1_task-prototype_run-01_desc-confounds_timeseries.tsv
confounds_json: …/func/sub-LM035_ses-T1_task-prototype_run-01_desc-confounds_timeseries.json
fd.txt (1.7 KB)
Command used
export SINGULARITY_BIND=$outpath
singularity run --cleanenv /home/yc1236/code/myResearchCode/xcpd/xcp_d-0.7.5.simg \
$fpppath $outpath \
participant --participant_label ${subID[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]} \
-w $outpath/working \
--fs-license-file /home/yc1236/toolbox/freesurfer_license/license.txt \
--input-type fmriprep \
--random-seed 0 \
--min_coverage 0.5 \
--skip-dcan-qc \
--combineruns \
--dummy-scans auto \
--despike \
--motion-filter-type notch --band-stop-min 12 --band-stop-max 20 --motion-filter-order 4 \
--head-radius auto -f 0.5 --min-time 250 \
--nuisance-regressors 36P \
--bpf-order 2 --lower-bpf 0.01 --upper-bpf 0.1 \
--smoothing $smoothing_value
Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):
Singularity on GCP
Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:
using a fmriprep output
Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):
240728-22:09:37,257 nipype.utils WARNING:
No non-steady-state outliers found in ....../func/sub-LM035_ses-T1_task-prototype_run-01_desc-confounds_timeseries.tsv
240728-22:09:37,273 nipype.workflow WARNING:
Less than 250.0 seconds in sub-LM035_ses-T1_task-prototype_run-01_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz survive high-motion outlier scrubbing (248). This run will not be processed.