I ran “xcp_d fmriprep_dir output_dir --cifti --despike --head_radius 40 -w /wkdir --smoothing 6” and it gave me an error stating xcp_d: error: the following arguments are required: analysis_level
Additional details
xcp_d version: xcp_d v0.6.1.dev3+geeea98a
Docker version: Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc
What were you trying to do?
I was trying to run xcp_d fmriprep_dir output_dir --cifti --despike --head_radius 40 -w /wkdir --smoothing 6
I think your troubles are coming from a fundamental lack of understanding about how bash programs (and particularly BIDS apps and containerized applications) work.
You need to change the arguments to match that file system. Arguments like Fmriprep_dir are generic placeholders that you are supposed to replace with the real paths as found in your file system.
I think understanding this is something you should focus on before getting too deep into neuroimaging analysis.
Hello @Steven ! I really appreciate your patience and understanding with me as I learn all of this!
I understand so much more now!
However, I do have a new question. When running the following:
What does /fmriprep /out participant \ represent? Is it the location of a file/directory?
By the way I do have folders named work, output, and fmriprepinput.
I apologize for any unknowledgeable questions.
Also you mounted the same folder as different folders within docker (eg your work, fmriprep, and out directories are all defined by the same folder), highlighted by the quoted text above. That’s not proper. These should be separate drives.
Ah okay! I read that but I wasn’t sure if fmri_dir was the same as /fmriprep /out participant \
The following below would make them separate drives as each is in their appropriate directory, correct?
Since I used https://github.com/PennLINC/xcp_d to download the fMRIPrep output and I saved the file as fmriprepinput it should all be there.
I will make your suggested changes and report back.
Thanks again!
I mean that in my last issue post @effigies gave me this link to download the outputs of the fMRIPrep software. I did this because I was having a fundamental issue and was not able to solve it.
I hope this clears things up!
What you displayed does not look like fMRIPrep outputs, it looks like a cloned repo of the XCP_D github repository. You will not be able to run XCP_D until you have outputs from fMRIPrep.